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李新松 教授




李新松教授1992年获南开大学高分子化学与物理博士学位,1992-1994年北京大学技术物理系从事核医学博士后研究,1995-1997年在青岛大学化学系工作,1997年至今在东南大学化学化工学院化学生物学与制药工程系工作,2007年5-11月在哈佛医学院Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC)从事基因药物研究,2001年创建生物材料和药物释放实验室(Biomaterials and Drug Delivery Laboratory)。实验室在高分子与生物、医学、工程学交叉领域开展基础研究和应用研究,开发具有重大临床应用价值的新型生物医学材料、药物,开发新型高分子工程材料。2006年创建东大-海昌(生物材料)研发中心。






传 真:025-83793456  













3.国家自然科学基金,51073036,新型同步互穿网络硅水凝胶材料的研究, 2011-2013,负责











14.国家科学技术部“863”科技专项基金,2004AA2Z3540,氯硝柳胺新剂型的研究, 2004-2005,参加

15.国家卫生部专项基金, wkj2006-2-024,血吸虫病新型树枝状载体-DNA疫苗的研究, 2006-2008,参加



























在Biomaterials,ACS Applied Materials &Interfaces, Bioconjugate Chemistry,International Journal of Pharmaceutics,Nanomedicne(UK) 等杂志上发表高水平研究论文110多篇,获得发明专利授权20项。成功转让一种可吸收高分子纳米纤维生物材料(三类医疗器械)技术,2004年协助企业获生产许可注册证,是世界上第一个应用于临床的纳米纤维三类医疗器械产品,14年来大规模应用于各大医院外科、骨科、整形外科、胸外科、妇产科等临床手术,受惠患者达到数百万,2014年获四川省人民政府颁发的名牌产品称号,单品种年销售额超亿元,取得巨大的经济效益和社会效益。


1.MuhammadIsmail, Longbing Ling, Yawei Du, Ruiyu He, Chen Yao, Jianying Shen,  XinsongLi*, Liposomes of dimeric artesunate phospholipid: a combination of dimerizationand self-assembly to combat malaria, Biomaterials, 2018,163:76-87

2.ShuoFang, Yongpeng Hou, Longbing Ling, Chen Yao*, Xinsong Li*, Liposomes assembledfrom di-camptothecin phospholipid with high drug loading for cancer therapy, Colloidsand Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2018,available online: 10.1016/j.colsurfb.2018.02.046

3.Lu Lu,Yawei Du,Muhammad Ismail,Longbing Ling,ChenYao,ZhenglinFu,Xinsong Li* ,LiposomesAssembled from Dimeric Retinoic Acid Phospholipid with Improved PharmacokineticProperties, European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2018, 112: 186-194

4.Yongpeng Hou, Chen Yao*, Longbing Ling, Yawei Du, Ruiyu He,Muhammad Ismail, Ying Zhang, Zhenglin Fu, Xinsong Li*, Novel Dual VESPhospholipid Self-assembled Liposomes with an Extremely High Drug Loading Efficiency,Colloidsand Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2017, 156, 29–37.

5.Longbing Ling, Yawei Du, Ruiyu He, Muhammad Ismail, YongpengHou, Chen Yao, Xinsong Li*, Self-assembled nanoparticles of dualpaclitaxel-phospholipid prodrug with in vitro and in vivo anticanceractivities, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 2017,  526(1-2),11–22.

6.Yawei Du, Wei Zhang, Ruiyu He, Muhammad Ismail, Longbing Ling,Chen Yao and Xinsong Li* Dual 7-Ethyl-10-hydroxycamptothecin ConjugatedPhospholipid Prodrug Assembled Liposomes with in vitro Anticancer Effects,Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, 2017, 25(12), 3247–3258.

7.Longbing Ling, Chen Yao, Yawei Du, Muhammad Ismail, Ruiyu He,Yongpeng Hou, Ying Zhang, Xinsong Li*, Assembled liposomes of dualpodophyllotoxin phospholipid: preparation, characterization and in vivoanticancer activity, Nanomedicine(UK),  2017,12(6): 657-672.

8.Ruiyu He, Yawei Du, Longbing Ling, Muhammad Ismail, Yongpeng Hou,Chen Yao and Xinsong Li*, Nanoformulation of dual bexarotene-tailedphospholipid conjugate with high drug loading , European Journal ofPharmaceutical Sciences, 2017, 100: 197–204.

9.Chen Xu, Ruiyu He, Binbin Xie, Chen Yao, Jie Luan, and XinsongLi*,Improved protein resistance of silicone hydrogels by grafting shortpeptides for ophthalmological application, International Journal of Polymeric Materials and PolymericBiomaterials,2017, 66(12), 618-625.

10.Chen Xu, Xiaojiu Liu, BinbinXie, Chen Yao, Wenhan Hu, Yi Li,Xinsong Li. Preparation of PES ultrafiltrationmembranes with natural aminoacids based zwitterionic antifouling surfaces.Applied Surface Science,2016, 385,130-138.

11.Chen Xu,Ruiyu He, Binbin Xie,Muhammad Ismail, Chen Yao, JieLuan, and Xinsong Li*,Silicone hydrogels graftedwith natural aminoacids for ophthalmological application, Journal ofBiomaterials Science, Polymer Edition, 2016, online

12.Wei Zhang, Wenjun Zhu, ShuoFang, YeminZhang, Chen Yao, Muhammad Ismail, Xinsong Li*,Improvementofstability and in vitro anticancer activity ofchlorambucil-tetrapeptideconjugate vesicles, Chinese Journal of Chemistry,2016,on line.

13.Shuo Fang, Yuge Niu,Wei Zhang,Yemin Zhang, Liangli Yu,Yingyi Zhang, and Xinsong Li*,Liposome-likenanocapsules of dual drug-tailed betaine for cancer therapy,International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 2015, 493(1-2), 460–465

14.Xu, Chen; Hu, Xin; Wang, Jie;Zhang, Yemin; Liu, Xiaojiu; Xie,Binbin; Yao, Chen; Li, Yi; Li, Xinsong*, Libraryof Antifouling SurfacesDerived From Natural Amino Acids by Click Reaction, ACSApplied Materials &Interfaces, 2015,7(31):17337-45

15.Xiao-jiu Liu, Ye-min Zhang,Xin-song Li*, Tough biopolymer IPNhydrogel fibers by bienzymatic crosslinkingapproach, Chinese Journal of Polymer Science, 2015,33(12): 1741-1749

16.Zhiping Fan, Yemin Zhang andXinsong Li*,In situ injectablepoly(c-glutamic acid) based biohydrogel formed byenzymatic crosslinking , J.Appl. Polym. Sci. 2015, 2015,132(30)

17.ShuoFang, Yuge Niu, Wenjun Zhu,Yemin Zhang, Liangli Yu and Xinsong Li*, Liposomesassembled from a dualdrug-tailed phospholipid for cancer therapy, Chemistry-an Asian journal, 2015,10(5),1232–1238.

18.Yemin Zhang, Zhiping Fan, ChenXu, Shuo Fang,Xiaojiu Liu, Xinsong Li*,Biopolymer based hydrogelswithinterpenetrating network structure by bienzymaticcrosslinking approach,Europe Polymer Journal, 2015. doi:10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2014.12.038.

19.Zhiping Fan, Yemin Zhang,Jinkai Ji andXinsong Li*,Hybrid polypeptide hydrogels produced via native chemicalligation, RSV Adv., 2015,5, 16470

20.Wenjun Zhu, Shuo Fang, YeminZhang, XinsongLi*, Functional vesicles formed by anticancerdrugassembly,Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters25 (2015) 188–191

21.ZhipingFan, Yemin Zhang,Xinsong Li*, BienzymaticallyCrosslinked Gelatin/Hyaluronic acidInterpenetrating Network Hydrogels:PreparationandCharacterization, RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 1929–1936 |

22.XinHu, Lingling Lu, Chen Xu,Xinsong Li*, Mechanically tough biomacromolecular IPNhydrogel fibers byenzymatic and ionic crosslinking, International Journal ofBiologicalMacromolecules, 2015,72: 403–409.

23.Wu, Yang;Ji, Jingkai; Yang,Ran; Zhang, Xiaoqiang; Li, Yuanhui; Pu, Yuepu; Li,Xinsong, Galactosylated2-hydroxypropyl methacrylamide-s-3-guanidinopropylmethacrylamide copolymer assmall hairpin RNA carrier for inhibiting humantelomerase reverse transcriptaseexpression, Journal of Gene Medicine, 2014,16(5-6): 109-121.

24.Yang Wu, Jinkai Ji, XinsongLi*, et al.,Galactosylated Poly(ethylene glycol)Methacrylate-st-3-GuanidinopropylMethacrylamide Copolymers as siRNA Carriersfor Inhibiting Survivin Expression in vitro and in vivo, Journal of DrugTargeting, 2014,22(4): 352-364.

25.Wang, XT ; Dai, Y  ; Zhao,S  ; Tang,JX  ; Li, HJ ; Xing, YT ; Qu, GL; Li, XS  ; Dai, JR ; Zhu,YC ,PAMAM-Lys,a Novel Vaccine Delivery Vector, Enhances theProtective Effects of the SjC23DNA Vaccine against Schistosoma japonicumInfection, PLoS, 2014;9(1):e86578,DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0086578.

26.Cai Wen, Lingling Lu,XinsongLi*, An IPN Biohydrogel of Gelatin and Gellan Gum by using CombinationofEnzymatic and Ionic Crosslinking Approaches, PolymerInternational,2014,63:1643-9.

27.Yan Mei, Chen Yao, XinsongLi*,A simple approach to constructing antibacterialand anti-biofoulingnanofibrous membranes, Biofouling, 2014,30(3): 313-322

28.Zongzhe Zhu, XinsongLi,Silicone hydrogels based on a novelamphiphilicpoly(2-methyl-2-oxazoline)-b-poly(dimethyl siloxane) copolymer,Journal ofApplied Polymer Science, online, 2014, 131(3): ?? DOI:10.1002/app.39867

29.Cai Wen, Lingling Lu, XinsongLi*,Mechanically Robust Gelatin-Alginate IPN Hydrogels by a Combination ofEnzymaticand Ionic Crosslinking Approaches, Macromolecular Materials andEngineering,2014, 299(4): 504-13.

30.Yang Wu, Jinkai Ji, XinsongLi*,et al., Guanidinylated 3-gluconamidopropylmethacrylamide-s-3-aminopropylmethacrylamide copolymer as siRNA carriers forinhibiting human telomerasereverse transcriptase expression, Drug delivery,2013;20(7):296-305.

31.Yan Mei, Zhiming Wang,XinsongLi*, Improving filtration performance of electrospun nanofiber mats byabimodal method, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2013, 128(2):1089–1094.

32.Xinsong Li*, Zhu Qin, etal.,Improvement of transfection efficiency by galactosylated N-3-guanidinopropylmethacrylamide-co-poly(ethyleneglycol)methacrylatecopolymer,European Polymer Journal, 2013, 49(10): 2884–2894

33.Yan Mei, Chen Yao, KaiFan,Xinsong Li, Surface modification of polyacrylonitrile nanofibrousmembraneswith superior antibacterial and easy-cleaning properties throughhydrophilicflexible spacers, Journal of Membrane Science, Journal ofMembraneScience, 2012, 417–418,20–27.

34.Zhu Qin, Wei Liu, Liang GuoandXinsong Li, Studies on GuanidinatedN-3-AminopropylMethacrylamide-N-2-Hydroxypropyl Methacrylamide Copolymers asGene DeliveryCarrier, Journal of Biomaterials Science-Polymer Edition, 2012,23: 133–152.

35.Zhu Qin, Wei Liu, Liang GuoandXinsong Li, Galactosylated N-2-Hydroxypropyl Methacrylamide-b-N-3-Guanidinopropyl Methacrylamide Block Copolymers as Hepatocyte-TargetingGene Carriers, Bioconjugate Chemistry, 2011, 22 (8), 1503–1512

36.Fuqian Sun, Chen Yao,TangyingSong, Xinsong Li, Fabricationofpoly(vinylidenefluoride-co-hexafluoropropylene) nanofiber yarns byconjugateelectrospinning, The Journal of the Textile Institute, 2011, 102(7):633-638.

37.Jingjing Wang, XinsongLi,Enhancing protein resistance of hydrogels based onpoly(2-hydroxyethylmethacrylate) and poly(2-methacryloyloxyethylphosphorylcholine) withinterpenetrating network structure, Journal of AppliedPolymer Science, 2011,121(6):3347-3352

38.Jinku Xu, Xinsong Li,FuqianSun, In vitro and in vivo Evaluation of Fumarate Ketotifen-LoadedSiliconeHydrogel Contact Lenses for Ocular Drug Delivery, Drug Delivery, 2011;18(2):150–158.

39.Jingjing Wang, XinsongLi,Interpenetrating polymer network hydrogels based on siliconeandpoly(2-methacryloyloxyethyl phosphorylcholine),Polymersfor Advanced Technologies, 2011,22(12): 2091–2095.

40.Jinku Xu, Xinsong Li,FuqianSun, Cyclodextrin-containing hydrogels for contact lenses as a platformof drugincorporation and release, Acta Biomaterialia, 2010, 6, 486-493.

41.Jinku Xu, Xinsong Li,FuqianSun, Preparation and Evaluation of Contact Lens Vehicle for PuerarinDelivery,Journal of Biomaterials Science-Polymer Edition, 2010,21(3), 271-288.

42.Jinku Xu, Xinsong Li, FuqianSun,Peiting Cao , pPVA Hydrogel Membrane Containing β-cyclodextrin forEnhancedLoading and Sustained Release of Ocular Therapeutics, Journal ofBiomaterialsScience-Polymer Edition, 2010, 21:1023-1038.

43.Jingjing Wang, FuqianSun,Xinsong Li,Preparation and characterization of interpenetrating polymernetworksilicone hydrogels with high oxygen permeability, JOURNAL OF APPLIEDPOLYMERSCIENCE, 2010, 116(5): 2749-2757.

44.Jingjing Wang, FuqianSun,Xinsong Li, Preparation and Antidehydration of Interpenetrating Polymer NetworkHydrogelsBased on 2-Hydroxyethyl Methacrylate and N-Vinyl-2-pyrrolidone,JOURNAL OFAPPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE, 2010, 117, 1851–1858.

45.Chen Yao, Xinsong Li,TangyingSong, Yunhui Li, Yuepu Pu, Biodegradable nanofibrous membrane ofzein/silkfibroin by electrospinning, Polymer International, 2009, 58(4),396-402.

46.Tang-ying Song, ChenYao,Xinsong Li, Preparation and Characterization of Zein andZein/Poly-L-lactide(PLLA) Continuous Nanofiber Yarns, JOURNAL OF APPLIEDPOLYMER SCIENCE,2009,114(4), 2079-2086

47.Yao, Chen;Li, Xinsong; Neoh, K.G.; Shi, Zhilong; Kang, E. T.,Antibacterial activities of surface modifiedelectrospun poly(vinylidenefluoride-co-hexafluoropropylene) (PVDF-HFP) fibrousmembranes, Applied SurfaceScience, 2009, 255(6),3854-3858.

48.Fu GD, Lei JY, Yao C, Li XS,YaoF, Nie SZ, Kang ET, Neoh, KG, Core-sheath nanofibers from combined atomtransferradical polymerization and electrospinning, MACROMOLECULES, 2008,41(18),6854-6858.

49.Yao, C; Li, XS; Neoh,KG,Surface modification and antibacterial activity of electrospunpolyurethanefibrous membranes with quaternary ammonium moieties, JOURNAL OFMEMBRANESCIENCE, 2008, 320(1-2), 259-267.

50.Fu,GD;Yao,F;Li,ZG,Li,XS,Solventresistant antibacterial microfibers of self-quaternizedblockcopolymers from atom transfer radical polymerization andelectrospinning,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY, 2008, 18(8), 859-867.

51.Zhiming Li,Feng Shan, JiangongWei, Jun Yang, Xinsong Li andXinling Wang, High ionic conductive PVDF-basedfibrous electrolytes,Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry,2008,12(12),1629-1635

52.Li XS, Yao C, Sun FQ, SongTY,Li YH, Pu YP, Conjugate electrospinning of continuous nanofiber yarn ofpoly(L-lactide)/nanotricalciumphosphate nanocomposite, JOURNAL OF APPLIEDPOLYMER SCIENCE, 2008, 107(6),3756-3764.

53.Chen Yao, Li Xinsong,SongTangying, Electrospinning and Crosslinking of Zein Nanofiber Mats, JournalofApplied Polymer Science, 2007, 103(1), 380–385.

54.Chen Yao, Li Xinsong,SongTangying, Fabrication of zein/hyaluronic acid fibrous membranesbyelectrospinning, Journal of Biomaterials Science-Polymerization Edition,2007,18 (6), 731-742.

55.LiXinsong, NieGuangyu.Nano-porous ultra-high specific surface ultrafine fibers(coverarticle). Chinese Science Bulletin, 2004, 49(22): 2368-2371.

56.Deng J, Li XS, Wang ZM, etal.An observation on the microphase separation ofpoly(methylmethacrylate)-block-polystyrene copolymer, CHINESE CHEM LETT,2001,12 (5),467-470.

57.Li XS, Wang GC, He BL,Entanglementof polymer chains in concentrated region by fluorescence probetechnique,CHINESE CHEM LETT, 1999, 10 (9), 795-798.

58.Li XS, Wang GC, HeBL,Intrachain and interchain interactions in polystyrene: Dilute andsemidilutesolutions, CHINESE CHEM LETT, 1999, 10 (11), 961-964.

59.Li, Xinsong;Wang, Guochang;He,Binlin,An observation on excimer formation in pyrenyl-labelledpolystyrene:concentrated solution and solvent-plasticized film, PolymerInternational,1999,48(8), 630-632.

60.Li XS, Wang GC, He BL, Astudyon the concentration dependence of excimer formation in pyrenyllabelledpolystyrene solutions, POLYM INT, 1999,48 (7), 529-531.

61.Shi Jinyuan, Wang Haifang,WuXiaohong, Li Xinsong, Liu Yuanfang, Li Kun, Luo Xiangyang, Wang Jianjun,LiuKexin, Genotoxicity of low-dose primicarb studied by acceleratormassspectrometry, Chinese Science Bulletin(Chinese), 1997, 42(15), 1675.

62.Li XS, Wang HF, Shi JY, WangXY,Liu YF, Li K, LU XY, Wang JJ, iu KX, Guo ZY, Genotoxicity study on nicotineandnicotine-derived nitrosamine by accelerator mass spectrometry,Radiocarbon,1996, 38(2), 347-353

63.He, Bing-Lin; Wang, Guo-Chang;Li,Xin-Song, Photophysical study of pyrene-labelled St/DVB copolymers, ScienceinChina, Series B: Chemistry, Life Sciences & Earth Sciences, 1994,37(5),513-517.

64.LiXinsong, et al., A study onDNA adduction with nicotine-derived nitrosamine by accelerator massspectrometry, Chinese Chemical Letters, 1994, 5(10), 873.


1. Biomacromolecular Hydrogels with Interpenetrating Network Structure, Symposium of 2012 international symposium of matreials on regenerative medicine, 2012, Aug. 29-31, Taibei, Taiwan

2. Hydrogel Biomaterials with Interpenetrating Network Structure, Invited lecture, Changgung University, 2012, Aug. 31, Changgung, Taiwan

3. 组织工程支架: 纳米纤维或水凝胶? 2012年9月12日, 北京大学,北京

4. 纳米纤维及其在生物医学和工程领域的应用,2011年10月11日,南开大学,天津

5. 水凝胶药物释放系统的研究,中国第13届生物医学工程生物材料年会,2011年10月12-15日,天津

6. SYNTHETIC HYDROGELS for OPTHAMIC APPLICATIONS, Symposium of 2010 International Symposium of Materials on Regenerative Medicine,  2010, Miaoni,Taiwan

7. 从纳米纤维膜到纳米纤维长纱,2007年8月11-15日,中国化学会第25届年会,长春

8. 从纳米纤维膜到纳米纤维长纱,2007年8月16日,中国科学院化学研究所,北京

