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相恒学 讲师





2017-12至今东华大学 材料科学与工程学院 讲师

2015-06至2017-11 东华大学 纺织科学与工程博士后

2011-09至2015-05 东华大学材料科学与工程学院 材料学博士

2008-09至2011-04 大连工业大学化工与材料学院 材料加工工程硕士









1. Yangkai Zhang, Zezu Hu, Hengxue Xiang*, Gongxun Zhai, Meifang Zhu*. Fabrication of visual textile temperature indicators based on reversible thermochromic fibers, Dyes and Pigments, 2019, 162, 705-711.

2.Hengxue Xiang, Ziye Chen, Nan Zheng, Xuzhen Zhang, Liping Zhu, Zhe Zhou, Meifang Zhu*. Melt-spun biodegradable poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) fibers with high strength: Synergistic effect of heterogeneous nucleation, long-chain branching and drawing, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2019, 122: 1136-1143.

3. Jialiang Zhou, Xiang Fei, Congqi Li, Senlong Yu, Hengxue Xiang*, Bin Sun, Meifang Zhu*. Integrating Nano-Cu2O@ZrP into in-situ polymerized polyethylene terephthalate (PET) fibers with enhanced mechanical properties and antibacterial activities, Polymers, 2019, 11(1): 113.

4. Senlong Yu, Xingping Wang, Hengxue Xiang*, Mike Tebyetekerwa, Meifang Zhu*. 1-D Polymer ternary composites: understanding materials interaction, percolation behaviors and mechanism toward ultra-high stretchable and super-sensitive strain sensors, Science China-Materials, 2019, 62: doi.org/10.1007/s40843-018-9402-1.

5. Hengxue Xiang, Fatemeh Zabihi, Xuzhen Zhang, Meifang Zhu*. The crystallization, melting behaviors and thermal stability of cross-linked poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) by octavinyloctasilases-quioxane, Chinese Journal of Polymer Science, 2018, 36(12):1353-1360.

6. Senlong Yu, Xingping Wang, Hengxue Xiang*, Liping Zhu, Mike Tebyetekerwa, Meifang Zhu*. Superior piezoresistive strain sensing behaviors of carbon nanotubes in one-dimensional polymer fiber structure, Carbon, 2018, 40: 1-9.

7. Hengxue Xiang, Wei Chen, Ziye Chen, Bin Sun, Meifang Zhu*, Greatly accelerated crystallization of long chain branched Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) with high crystallization temperature under high cooling rate, Composites Science and Technology, 2017, 142: 207-213.

8. Hengxue Xiang†, Mengge Xia†, Alexander Cunningham, Wei Chen, Bin Sun, Meifang Zhu*, Mechanical properties of biocompatible clay/P(MEO2MA-co-OEGMA) nanocomposite hydrogels, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 2017, 72: 74-81.

9. Hengxue Xiang, Yongjie Niu, Zuogui Liao, Wei Chen, Huquan Ji, Bin Sun*, Meifang Zhu*, Photoluminescence emission of stable and well-dispersed unsaturated polyester-co- rare earth complex (UPR-co-REX),Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2017, 134(36):45253.

10. Hengxue Xiang†, Lili Li†, Wei Chen, Senlong Yu, Bin Sun, Meifang Zhu*, Flame retardancy of polyamide 6 hybrid fibers: combined effects of α-zirconium phosphate and ammonium sulfamate, Progress in Natural Science: Materials International, 2017, 27(3):369-373.

11. Wei Chen, Hengxue Xiang*, Yunmeng Jiang, Sayed Yaseen Rashdi, Meifang Zhu*, Shape-stabilized phase change materials with high phase change enthalpy based on synthetic comb-like Poly(acrylonitrile-co-ethylene glycol) for thermal management, Science China-Chemistry, 2017, 60(11): 1450-1457.

12. 陈姿晔, 相恒学*, 胡泽旭, 倪张根, 朱美芳*, 异相成核和拉伸诱导对生物基PHBV复合纤维结晶结构与力学性能的影响, 高分子学报, 2017, (7): 1121-1129.

13. Hengxue Xiang, Xiaoshuang Wen, Xiaohui Miu, Yan Li, Zhe Zhou, Meifang Zhu*, Mechanisms of thermal depolymerization of Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate), Progress in Natural Science: Materials International, 2016, 26(1): 58-64.

14. Shichao Wang†, Wei Chen†, Hengxue Xiang*, Junjie Yang, Zhe Zhou, Meifang Zhu*, Modification and potential application of Short-Chain-Length Polyhydroxyalkanoate (SCL- PHA), Polymers, 2016, 8(8): 273.


1. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,51603033, 2017.01~2019.12

2. 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金自由探索项目, 2232018D3-03, 2018.01~2020.12

3. 先进纺织材料与制备技术教育部重点实验室开放基金,2017001, 2018.02~2020.01

4. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目,2015M581498, 2015.12~2017.05


1. 2018年上海市科技进步奖三等奖.

2. 2018年山东省科技进步奖三等奖. JB2018-3-17-R02

3. 2017年中国循环经济协会科学技术奖一等奖. 2017-1-10-13

4. 2017年中国纺织工业联合会科学技术奖三等奖. J-2017-3-05-R05

5. 2017年中国纺织行业专利奖优秀奖


