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秦勇 教授


教育部长江学者特聘教授,博士生导师 纳米科学与技术研究所 所长


秦勇,男,1976年5月出生,博士,教育部长江学者特聘教授,博士生导师, 兰州大学材料科学与工程学科负责人,兰州大学纳米科学与技术研究所所长,首 批中组部“万人计划”青年拔尖人才,国家优秀青年科学基金获得者,霍英东教 育基金获得者,教育部新世纪优秀人才,甘肃省“五四青年奖章”获得者。 担任中国青年科技工作者协会第五届理事会常务理事、中国材料研究学会理 事、中国材料研究学会青年工作委员会理事、中国材料研究学会环境材料分会理 事、全国半导体材料与设备标准化技术委员会微光刻分委会委员、兰州大学学报 编委、科技部863 项目评审专家、Nature Communications、Advanced Materials、 Nano Letters、ACS Nano、Advanced Functional Materials、Energy &Environmental Science、Small、Nanoscale 等高水平学术期刊审稿专家。 


2008 年3月至目前,兰州大学物理学院,教授(2014年晋升为二级教授),博士生 导师; 

2007 年4 月至2009 年9 月:美国佐治亚理工学院先后做访问学者、博士后; 

2004 年7 月至2008年3月:兰州大学物理学院,讲师; 

1999 年9 月至2004 年6 月:兰州大学物理学院,材料物理与化学专业,博士; 

1995 年9 月至1999 年7 月:兰州大学材料科学系,材料物理专业,学士。










1. "Microfiber-Nanowire Hybrid Structure for Energy Scavenging" Y. Qin, X.D. Wang and Z.L. Wang*, Nature. 2008, 451, 809-813. (Y.Qin and X.D. Wang contribute equally.)

2. "Self-powered nanowire devices" S. Xu, Y. Qin, C. Xu, Y. G. Wei, R. Yang and Z. L. Wang*, Nature Nanotechnology. 2010, 5, 366 - 373. (S. Xu, Y. Qin and C. Xu contribute equally.)

3. "Power generation with laterally-packaged piezoelectric fine wires" R. Yang, Y. Qin, L. Dai and Z. L. Wang*, Nature Nanotechnology. 2009, 4, 34-39.

4. "High-Performance Integrated ZnO Nanowire UV Sensors on Rigid and Flexible Substrates" S. Bai, W. W. Wu , Y. Qin, N. Y. Cui, D. J. Bayerl, and X. D. Wang*, Advanced Functional Materials. 2011, 21, 4464–4469.

5. "Directional Transport of Polymer Sheet and a Microsphere by a Rationally Aligned Nanowire Array" W. W. Wu, L. Cheng, S. Bai, Z. L .Wang* and Y. Qin*, Advanced Materials. 2012, 24,817-821.

6. "Magnetic Force Driven Nanogenerators as a Noncontact Energy Harvester and Sensor" N. Y. Cui, W. W. Wu, S. Bai, L. X. Meng, Y. Qin*, Z. L. Wang*, Nano Letters. 2012, 12(7),3701–3705.

7. "Lead Zirconate Titanate Nanowire Textile Nanogenerator for Wearable Energy-Harvesting and Self-Powered Devices"W. W. Wu, S. Bai, M, M, Yuan, Y. Qin*, Z. L. Wang* and T. Jing, ACS Nano. 2012, 6(7), 6231-6235.

8. "Single Crystalline Lead Zirconate Titanate (PZT) Nano/micro-wire Based Self-powered UV Sensor" S. Bai, Q. Xu, L. Gu, Y. Qin*, Z. L. Wang*, Nano Energy. 2012, 1, 789-795.

9. "Flexible Nanogenerator Based on Single BaTiO3 Nanowire" X. Ni, F. Wang, A. A. Lin, Q. Xu, Z. Yang, Y. Qin*, Science of Advanced Materials. 2013, 5(11), 1781-1787.

10. "Controllable Fabrication of Patterned Oblique Nanowire Array and Its Application as a Reflection Grating" L. Cheng, W. Dou, S. Bai, W. W. Wu, Q. Xu, Y. Qin*, Science of Advanced Materials. 2013, 5(9), 1179-1183.

11. "Surface Engineering Method to Fabricate a Bendable Self-Cleaning Surface with High Robustness" W. W. Wu, L. Cheng, M. M. Yuan, S. Bai, Z. Y. Wei, T. Jing, Y. Qin*, Science of Advanced Materials. 2013, 5(8), 1-6.

12. "Vibration Driven Vehicle Inspired from Grass Spike" S. Bai, Q. Xu, Y. Qin*, Scientific Reports. 2013, 3:1851.

13. "Electrospinning Lead-free 0.5Ba(Zr0.2Ti0.8)O3-0.5(Ba0.7Ca0.3)TiO3 Nanowires and Their Application in Energy Harvesting" W. W. Wu, L. Cheng, S. Bai, W. Dou, Q. Xu, Z. Y. Wei, Y. Qin*, Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2013, 1(25), 7332 - 7338.

14. "Two Dimensional Woven Nanogenerator" S. Bai, L. Zhang, Q. Xu, Y. B. Zheng, Y. Qin*, Z. L. Wang*, Nano Energy. 2013, 2: 749–753

15. "Electrospinning Multi-layered Nano-solenoid and Reticular Micro-tubular Structure on a Microfiber" D. T. Zhang, L. X. Meng, Q. Xu, S. Bai, Z. Yang, Y. Qin*, Materials Letters. 2013, 98, 153-156.

16. "Flexible Fiber Nanogenerator with 209 V Output Voltage Directly Powers a Light-Emitting Diode" L. Gu, N. Y. Cui, L. Cheng, Q. Xu, S. Bai, M. M. Yuan, W. W. Wu, J. M. Liu, Y. Zhao, F. Ma,Y. Qin*, Z. L. Wang*, Nano Letters. 2013, 13(1), 91-94.

17. "Biocompatible Nanogenerators through High Piezoelectric Coefficient 0.5Ba(Zr0.2Ti0.8)O3-0.5(Ba0.7Ca0.3)TiO3 Nanowires for In-Vivo Applications" M.M. Yuan, L. Cheng, Q. Xu, W. W. Wu, S. Bai, L. Gu, Z. Wang, J. Lu, H. P. Li, Y. Qin*, T. Jing*, Z. L. Wang*,Advanced Materials. 2014, 26, 7432–7437.

18. "Enhancing the performance of triboelectric nanogenerator through prior-charge injection and its application on self-powered anticorrosion" Z. Wang, L. Cheng, Y. B. Zheng, Y. Qin*, Z. L. Wang*, Nano Energy. 2014, 10, 37-43.

19. "An electrospun nanowire-based triboelectric nanogenerator and its application in a fully self-powered UV detector" Y. B. Zheng, L. Cheng, M. M. Yuan, Z. Wang, L. Zhang, Y. Qin*, T. Jing*, Nanoscale. 2014, 6, 7842-7846.

20. "Ultralow friction regime from the in situ production of a richer fullerene-like nanostructured carbon in sliding contact" Y.F. Wang,J,M. Guo, J.Y. Zhang*, and Y. Qin*,RSC Advances. 2015, 5, 106476-106484.

21. "Packaged triboelectric nanogenerator with high endurability for severe environments" L. Gu, N. Y. Cui, J. L. liu, Y. B. Zheng, S. Bai, and Y. Qin*, Nanoscale. 2015, 7, 18049-18053.

22. "A High-Reliability Kevlar Fiber-ZnO Nanowires Hybrid Nanogenerator and its Application on Self-Powered UV Detection" L. Zhang, S. Bai, C. Su, Y. B. Zheng, Y. Qin*, C. Xu*, and Z. L. Wang*, Advanced Functional Materilas. 2015, 25, 5794–5798.

23. "Wireless, power-free and implantable nanosystem for resistance-based biodetection"L. Cheng, M. M. Yuan, L. Gu, Z. Wang, Y. Qin, T, Jing and Z. L. Wang*, Nano Energy. 2015, 15, 598-606.

24. "High performance sound driven triboelectric nanogenerator for harvesting noise energy" N. Y. Cui, L. Gu, J. M. Liu, S. Bai, J. W. Qiu, J. F. Fu, X. L. Cou, H. Liu, Y. Qin* and Z. L. Wang*, Nano Energy. 2015, 15, 321-328.

25. "Controllable fabrication of ultrafine oblique organic nanowire arrays and their application in energy harvesting" L. Zhang, L. Cheng, S. Bai, C. Su, X. B. Chen and Y. Qin* Nanoscale. 2015, 7, 1285 - 1289

26. "Wearable Triboelectric Generator for Powering the Portable Electronic Devices" N. Y. Cui, J. M. Liu, L. Gu, S. Bai, X. B. Chen, andY. Qin*, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2015, 7 (33), pp 18225–18230.

27. "Synthesis of large monolayer single crystal MoS2nanosheets with uniform size through a double-tube technology" Z.Y. Tu, G.D. Li, X. Ni, L.X. Meng, S. Bai, X.B. Chen, J.J. Lou, and Y. Qin*,Appl. Phys. Lett. 2016, 109, 223101.

28. "A new kind of transparent and self-cleaning film for solar cells" Q. Xu, Q. Zhao, X.F. Zhu, L. Chen, S. Bai, Z.H. Wang, L.X. Meng, and Y. Qin*, Nanoscale. 2016, 8, 17747.

29. "Dynamic Behavior of the Triboelectric Charges and Structural Optimization of the Friction Layer for Triboelectric Nanogenerator""N.Y. Cui, L. Gu, Y.M. Lei, J.M. Liu, Y. Qin, X.H. Ma*, Y. Hao*, and Z. L. Wang, ACS Nano. 2016, 10 (6), pp 6131–6138.

30. "A three-dimensional integrated nanogenerator for effectively harvesting sound energy from the environment" J.M. Liu, N.Y. Cui,L. Gu, X.B. Chen, S. Bai, Y.B. Zheng, C.X. Hu, and Y. Qin*, Nanoscale. 2016, 8, 4938-4944.

31. "Piezotronic Effect Enhanced Photocatalysis in Strained Anisotropic ZnO/TiO2Nanoplatelets via Thermal Stress" L.F. Wang, S.H Liu, Z. Wang, Y.L. Zhou, Y. Qin*, and Z.L. Wang*,ASC Nano. 2016, 10 (2), pp 2636–2643.

32. "A Transparent Anti-peep Piezoelectric Nanogenerator to Harvest the Tapping Energy on Screen" C.X. Hu, L. Cheng, Z. Wang, Y. B. Zheng, S. Bai, Y. Qin*,Small. 2016, 12, 1315–1321.

33. "Theoretical Study of the BaTiO3 Powder’s Volume Ratio’s Influence on the Output of Composite Piezoelectric Nanogeneratort" X. Zhou, Q. Xu, S. Bai, Y. Qin*, and W. S. Liu*,Nano Materials. 2017, 7, 143.

34. "Ultrasensitive Vertical Piezotronic Transistor Based on ZnO Twin Nanoplatelet" L. F. Wang, S. H. Liu, X. L. Feng, Q. Xu, S. Bai, L. P. Zhu, L. B. Chen, Y. Qin*, and Z. L. Wang*,ACS Nano. 2017, 11, 4859–4865.

35. "Type-II hetero-junction dual shell hollow spheres loaded with spatially separated cocatalyst for enhancing visible light hydrogen evolution" Z. Wang, W. W. Wu, Q. Xu, G. D. Li, S. H. Liu, X. F. Jia, Y. Qin*, Z. L. Wang*,Nano Energy. 2017, 38, 518–525.

36. "A Light Sensitive Nanogenerator for Self-Powered UV Detection with Two Measuring Ranges L. Cheng, Y.B. Zheng, Q. Xu,and Y. Qin*, Advanced Optical Materials. 2017, 5, 1600623.

37. "Ultrasensitive 2D ZnO Piezotronic Transistor Array for High Resolution Tactile Imaging" S.H. Liu, L.F. Wang, X.L. Feng, Z. Wang, Q. Xu, S. Bai, Y. Qin*,and Z.L. Wang*, Advanced Materials. 2017, 29, 1606346.

38. "A self-powered sensor with super-hydrophobic nanostructure surfaces for synchronous detection and electricity generation" X.B. Chen, Q. Xu, S. Bai, and Y. Qin*, Nano Energy. 2017, 33, 288-292.

39. "Theoretical study of enhancing the piezoelectric nanogenerator's output power by optimizing the external force's shape" Q. Xu, and Y. Qin*, APL Materials. 2017, 5, 074101.

40. " Double-Channel Piezotronic Transistors for Highly Sensitive Pressure Sensing" S. H. Liu, L. F. Wang, Z. Wang, Y. F. Cai, X. L. Feng, Y. Qin*, Z. L. Wang*,ACS Nano. 2018, 12, 1732-1738.

41. "Clarifying the high on/off ratio mechanism of nanowire UV photodetector by characterizing surface barrier height" G. D. Li, L. X. Meng, X. F. Zhu, W. H. Gao, Y. Qin*, and L. W. Chen*,Nanoscale. 2018, 10, 2242–2248.

42. "Atomic thick 2D MoS2/insulator interjection structure for output enhancing of nanogenerator" X. Cui, Q. Xu, X. Ni, Y. Zhang,Y. Qin*,Journal of Materials Chemistry C. 2018, 6, 899--906.

43. "Dual C(sp3)-H Bond Functionalization of N-Heterocycles via Visible-Light Photocatalyzed Dehydrogenation/[2+2] Cycloaddition Sequential Reaction" G. Q. Xu, J. T. Xu, Z. T. Feng, H. Ling, Z. Y. Wang, Y. Qin and P. F. Xu*,Angewandte Chemie. 2018,57, 5110 –5114.

44. "New-generation integrated devices based on dye-sensitized and perovskite solar cells" S.N. Yun, Y. Qin, A.R. Uhl, N.. Vlachopoulos, M. Yin, D.D. Li, X.G. Han and A. Hagfeldt*,Energy & Environmental Science. 2018, 11, 476--526.

45. "Flexible piezoelectric nanogenerators based on PVDF-TrFE nanofibers" Linda. Serairi, Long. Gu,Yong. Qin, Yingxian. Lu, Philippe. Basset. and Yamin. Leprince-Wang*,Eur. Phys. J. Appl. Phys. 2018, 80, 30901.

46. "Decoupling the charge collecting and screening effects in piezotronicsregulated photoelectrochemical systems by using graphene as the charge collector" Xiaobo. Chen, Lazarus. German, Jihye. Bong, Yanhao. Yu, Matthew. Starr.Yong. Qin, Zhenqiang. Ma, Xudong. Wang*,Nano Energy. 2018, 48, 377-3821.

47. "Ultrathin Piezotronic Transistors with 2-Nanometer Channel Lengths" Longfei. Wang, Shuhai. Liu, Guoyun. Gao, Yaokun. Pang, Xin. Yin, Xiaolong. Feng, Laipan. Zhu, Yu. Bai, Libo. Chen, Tianxiao. Xiao, Xudong, Wang, Yong. Qin, and Zhonglin. Wang*,ACS Nano. 2018,12, 4903−4908.

48. "High-Performance Triboelectric Nanogenerator with a Rationally Designed Friction Layer Structure" Nuanyang. Cui, Jinmei. Liu, Yimin. Lei, Long. Gu, Qi. Xu, Shuhai. Liu, and Yong Qin*,ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 2018,1, 2891−2897.

49. "Transition-Metal Free Selective C-H Benzylation of Tertiary Arylamines via a Dearomatization-Aromatization Sequence" Guoqiang Xu, Zhitao Feng, Jitao Xu, Zhuyin Wang, Yong Qin*, Pengfei Xu*.Chemistry - A European Journal . 2018,24, 13778 – 13782.

50. "A self-improving triboelectric nanogenerator with improved charge density and increased charge accumulation speed" Li Cheng, Qi Xu, Youbin Zheng, Xiaofeng Jia, Yong Qin*.Nature Communications. 2018,9,3773.

51. "Data-driven and probabilistic learning of the process-structure-property relationship in solution-grown tellurene for optimized nanomanufacturing of high-performance nanoelectronics" Yixiu Wang, Raquel de Souza Borges Ferreira, Ruoxing Wang, Gang Qiu, Gaoda Li, Yong. Qin, Peide D. Ye, Arman Sabbaghi, Wenzhuo Wu*.Nano energy. 2019, 57, 180-491.

52. "Flexible electronic skins based on piezoelectric nanogenerators and piezotronics" Hui yuan, Tianmin Lei, Yong Qin*, Rushen Yang*.Nano energy. 2019, 59, 84-90.

53. "Design and application of piezoelectric biomaterials" Hui yuan, Tianmin Lei, Yong Qin*, Jr-Hau He* and Rushen Yang*.J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 2019, 52, 194002.

54. "Hierarchical CoNi2S4 nanosheet/nanotube array structure on carbon fiber cloth for high-performance hybrid supercapacitors" Chen Su, Shusheng Xu, Lu Zhang, Xinwei Chen, Guoqin Guan, Nantao Hu, Yanjie Su, Zhihua Zhou, Hao Wei, Zhi Yang*, Yong Qin*. Electrochimica Acta. 2019, 305, 81-89.

55. "Solution Processed Nb2O5 Electrodes for High Efficient Ultraviolet Light Stable Planar Perovskite Solar Cells" Zenghua Wang, Junjie Lou, Xiaojia Zheng, Wen-Hua Zhang*, Yong Qin*. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2019,7, 7421−7429.

56. "Recent advance in new-generation integrated devices for energy harvesting and storage" Sining Yun*, Yongwei Zhang, Qi Xu, Jinmei Liu, Yong Qin. Nano Energy. 2019, 60 ,600–619.

57. "2D piezotronics in atomically thin zinc oxide sheets: interfacing gating and channel width gating" Longfei Wang, Shuhai Liu, Zidong Zhang, Xiaolong Feng, Laipan Zhu, Hengyu Guo, Wenbo Ding, Libo Chen, Yong Qin* and Zhong Lin Wang*. Nano Energy.2019, 60, 724–733.

58. "Green Anti-solvent Processed Efficient Flexible Perovskite Solar Cells" Deyu Xin, Zenghua Wang, Min Zhang, Xiaojia Zheng*,Yong Qin, Jianguo Zhu* and Wen-Hua Zhang*. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2019, 7 (4), 4343–4350.

59. "Mechanism of the sensitivity enhancement of ZnO nanofilm gas sensor by UV light illumination" Gaoda Li, Zhe Sun, Dongyi Zhang, Qi Xu, Leixin Meng, and Yong Qin*. ACS sensors. 2019, 4, 1577−1585.

60. "Improving Cycling Performance of Si-Based Lithium Ion Batteries Anode with Se-Loaded Carbon Coating" Xin Gu, Wang Tian, Xiaoqiang Tian, Yaqin Ding, Xiaofeng Jia, Li Wang, and Yong Qin*. ACS Applied Energy Materials. 2019, 2, 5124−5132.

61. "Flexible Self-Powered ZnO Film UV Sensor with a High Response" Qi Xu, Li Cheng, Leixin Meng, Zhe Wang, Suo Bai, Xiaoqiang Tian, Xiaofeng Jia, and Yong Qin*. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2019, 11, 26127−26133.

62. "Enhancing the Performance of Textile Triboelectric Nanogenerators with Oblique Microrod Arrays for Wearable Energy Harvesting" Lu Zhang, Chen Su, Li Cheng, Nuanyang Cui, Long Gu, Yong Qin*, Rusen Yang*, and Feng Zhou. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2019, 11, 26824−26829.

63. "Core-Shell Fiber-Based 2D WovenTriboelectric Nanogenerator for EffectiveMotion Energy Harvesting" Jinmei Liu, Long Gu, Nuanyang Cui, Suo Bai, Shuhai Liu, Qi Xu, Yong Qin*, Rusen Yang* and Feng Zhou. Nanoscale Research Letters. 2019, 14,311.

64. "Piezotronic Tunneling Junction Gated by Mechanical Stimuli" Shuhai Liu, Longfei Wang, Xiaolong Feng, Jinmei Liu, Yong Qin*, and Zhong Lin Wang*. Advanced Materials. 2019, 31 (51), 1905436.

65. "Piezoelectric nanofiber/polymer composite membrane for noise harvesting and active acoustic wave detection" Nuanyang Cui, Xiaofeng Jia, Anan Lin, Jinmei Liu, Suo Bai, Lu Zhang, Yong Qin*, Rusen Yang*, Feng Zhou and Yongqing Li*. Nanoscal Advances. 2019, 1 (12), 4909-4914.

66. "Fabric-Based Triboelectric Nanogenerators" Jinmei Liu, Long Gu, Nuanyang Cui, Qi Xu, Yong Qin*, Rusen Yang*. Research.2019,2019,1091632.

67. "Ultrasensitive Fiber-based ZnO Nanowire Network Ultraviolet Photodetector Enabled by the Synergism of Interface and Surface Gating Effects" Leixin Meng, Gaoda Li, Xiaoqiang Tian, Suo Bai, Qi Xu, Xiaofeng Jia, Xin Cui, Yong Qin*, and Wangsuo Wu. ACS Applied Materials and Interface. 2019,12,1054-1060.

68. "Enhancing the current density of a piezoelectric nanogenerator using a three-dimensional intercalation electrode" Long Gu, Jinmei Liu, Nuanyang Cui, Qi Xu, Tao Du, Lu Zhang, Zheng Wang, Changbai Long,Yong Qin*. Nature Communication. 2020, 11, 1030.

69. "Nanowire Templated CVD Synthesis and Morphological Control of MoS2 Nanotubes" Xiaofeng Jia, Xiaofei Zhu, Wang Tian, Yaqin Ding, Xiaoqiang Tian, Bolang Cheng, Li Cheng*, Suo Bai*, Yong Qin*. Journal of Materials Chemistry C. 2020, 8,4133.

70. "High Rate Capacity Anode of Si-C Composite Nanofiber Wrapped with Cu Foam for Lithium-ion Batteries" Xiaoqiang Tian, Gaoda Li, Leixin Meng, Wang Tian, Xin Gu, Yaqin Ding, Ruichao Zhang, Xiaofeng Jia, Yong Qin*. Materials Letter 2020, 268,127572.


1. "Flexible Nanogenerators" US patent No: US 7,982,370 B2. (Jul. 19, 2011) Z. L. Wang, X. D. Wang, Y. Qin, R. Yang.

2. "Large-scale lateral nanowire arrays nanogenerators" US patent No: US 8,623,451 B2. (Jan. 7, 2014) Z. L. Wang, C. Xu, Y. Qin, G. Zhu, R. Yang, Y. F. Hu and Y. Zhang.

3. 一种磁力驱动的纳米发电机,申请号:201210122454.7 专利申请日:2012.4.23 发明人:秦勇、崔暖洋、吴巍炜、白所

4. 一种半导体传感器及其制备方法,秦勇、吴巍炜、白所、崔暖洋. 专利号:ZL 201010190839.8

5. 半导体紫外探测传感器及其制备方法,秦勇、白所、吴巍炜. 专利号:ZL 201010508591.5

6. 具有强形状各向异性的纳米颗粒的制备方法, 秦勇、薛德胜、高美珍. 专利号:ZL 20061 0104469.

7. 一种单分散纳米α-氧化铝颗粒粉体的制备方法, 李建功、杜雪莲、沈利亚、寇昕莉,秦勇. 专利号:ZL 200610104871.3.

8. 磁力驱动的纳米发电,秦勇、崔暖洋、吴巍炜、白所、王中林. 专利号:ZL 201210122471.0

9. 自清洁高聚物薄膜或涂层及其制备方法,秦勇、赵骑、成立. 专利号:CN201410323007.7

10. 一种高产量制备单晶氧化锌纳米线的方法秦勇、孟雷欣. 专利号:2015104211129.

11. 一种铜锌锡硫、硒粉体的制备方法,秦勇、吴巍炜、窦伟. 专利号:ZL201310667667.2


1. 新世纪优秀人才计划,秦勇,2008年。

2. 美国陶瓷学会Ross Coffin Purdy 奖,秦勇,王旭东,王中林教授,2009年。

3. 甘肃省自然科学奖三等奖,李建功、秦勇、黄娟娟、王花枝、寇昕莉,2009年。

4. 获得甘肃省第八届青年科技奖提名奖,秦勇,2011年。

5. 第17届甘肃省五四青年奖章,秦勇,2013年

6. 教育部长江学者计划特聘教授,秦勇,2014年



