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孙道恒 教授





198719901997年分别获东北大学学士、硕士、博士学位;1997~1999年西南交通大学力学博士后流动站研究人员。1990~1997年于东北大学机械原理与机械零件教研室任助教、讲师。19996月加盟厦门大学机电工程系任副教授,2001年任教授。曾任厦门大学机电工程系副主任、主任。2004.1~2005.12年受Berkeley Scholarship Program 资助,作为访问学者于加州大学伯克利分校机械工程系、BSAC从事MEMS/NEMS研究。兼任中国微米纳米技术学会理事、中国机械工程学会机械设计分会理事、中国电子学会电子机械工程委员会委员、《振动、测试与诊断》、《电子机械工程》编委、IEEE NEMS组委会主席、指导委员会委员及程序委员会委员、IEEESensors程序委员会委员、IEEE NEMS程序委员会委员、SPIE Photonics Asia程序委员会委员等职。主持与完成国家自然科学基金、863计划、教育部重大、校企合作等项目多项。授权国家发明专利70余项,发表论文200余篇。



2.国家自然科学基金面上项目,面向电纺直写的流体包轴输运行为与调控研究. 514753982015/01-2018/12


4 .国家自然科学基金重点项目,柔性电子跨尺度喷印制造中动力学行为与多场调控,(51035002)2011-2014






[1] Yifang Liu,Daner Chen,Liwei Lin,Gaofeng Zheng, Jianyi Zheng, Lingyun Wang*,Daoheng Sun*,Glass frit bonding with controlled width and height using a two-step wet silicon etching procedure, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 2016, 26: 035018-035026.
[2] Shihu Wang, Wei Wang, Lingke Yu, Zhan Zhan, Daoheng Sun*, The fast fabrication of flexible electronic devices of graphene composites, Nanotechnology, 2016, 27: 01-07.
[3] Daoheng Sun*, Gaofeng Zheng, Dezhi Wu, Nanostructures by electrospinning, Entry encyclopedia of Nanotechnology, 2015, 1-10.
[4] Lei Xu*, Wen Han, Gaofeng Zheng, Dezhi Wu, Xiang Wang, Daoheng Sun*, Initial jet before the onset of effective electrospinning of polymeric nanofibers, The Open Mechanical Engineering Journal, 2015, 9: 666-669.
[5] Dezhi Wu, Shaohua Huang, Zhiqin Xu, Zhiming Xiao, Chuan Shi, Jinbao Zhao, Rui Zhu, Daoheng Sun*, Liwei Lin, Polyethylene terephthalate/poly (vinylidene fluoride) composite separator for Li-ion battery, Journal of Physics D:Applied Physics, 2015, 48: 285305-285312.
[6] Tingping Lei, Lingke Yu, Lingyun Wang, Fan Yang, Daoheng Sun*, Predicting polymorphism of electrospun polyvinylidene fluoride membranes by their morphologies, Journal of Macromolecular Science, 2015, 54: 91-101.
[7] Xiang Wang, Xingwang Hu, Xiaochun Qiu, Xiangyu Huang, Dezhi Wu*, Daoheng Sun*, Strip-distributed polymer solution on tip-less electrospinning for uniform nanofibers, Materials Letters, 2013, 99: 21-23.
[8] Lei Xu, Daoheng Sun*, Electrohydrodynamic printing under applied pole-type nozzle configuration, Applied Physics Letters, 2013,102(2): 024101.
[9] WangLingyun, DuJiang, Luo Zhiwei, Du Xiaohui, Li Yipan, Liu Juan, Daoheng Sun*. Design and Experiment of a Jetting Dispenser Driven by Piezostack Actuator [J]. IEEE Transactions on Components Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, 2013, 3(1): 147-156.
[10] Xiang Wang, Lei Xu, Gaofeng Zheng, Daoheng Sun*, Pulsed electrohydrodynamic printing of conductive silver patterns on demand, Science China-technological Sciences, 2012,55 (6):1603-1607.
[11] Tingping Lei, Zhan Zhan, Wenjia Zuo, Wei Cheng, Bulei Xu, Yuanzhe Su, Daoheng Sun*, Electrospinning PVDF/EC fiber from a binary solvent system, International Journal of Nanomanufacturing, 2012, 8(4), 294-305.
[12] Xiang Wang, Gaofeng Zheng, Lei Xu, Wei Cheng, Bulei Xu, Yongfang Huang, Daoheng Sun*, Fabrication of nanochannels via near-field electrospinning, Appled Physics A, 2012, 108(4): 825-828.
[13] Zhan Zhan, Gaofeng Zheng, Wei Tao, Yong Cai, Daoheng Sun*, Dezhi Wu*,Electrohydrodynamic impulse printing PANI sensor for NH3 gas, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part N: Journal of Nanoengineering, Nanosystems, 2012, 226(1):9-13.
[14] Xingwang Hu, Xiangyu Huang,Daoheng Sun*, Dezhi Wu, Electrospinning via mechanically single probe-tip drawing for massive production, Proc IMechE Part N: J Nanoengineering,Nanosystems, 2012,226(1): 27-30
[15] Wang Linyun, Qiu Yongrong, Pei Yanbo, Su Yuanzhe, Zhan Zhan, Lv Wenlong, Daoheng Sun*. A novel electrohydrodynamic printing jet head with retractable needle[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part N: Journal of Nanoengineering and Nanosystems 2011, 225(2):85-88.
[16] Lei Xu, Xiang Wang, Tingping Lei, Daoheng Sun*, Liwei Lin, Electrohydrodynamic deposition of polymeric droplets under low-frequency pulsation, Langmuir, 2011, 27(10):6541-6548.
[17] Dezhi Wu, Xiaoping Huang, Xiting Lai, Daoheng Sun*, Liwei Lin, High throughput tip-less electrospinning via a circular cylindrical electrode, Journal of Nanoscience, Nanotechnology, 2010,10 (7): 4221-4226.
[18] Gaofeng Zheng, Li Wenwang, Wang Xiang, Wu Dezhi,Daoheng Sun*, Lin Liwei. Precision deposition of a nanofibre by near field electrospinning [J]. Journal of Physics D: Alied Physics, 2010, Vol. 43 (41): 415501.
[19] Zheng Gaofeng, Wang Xiang, Li Wenwang, Lei Tingping, Tao Wei, Du Jiang, Qiu QiYan, Chi XinGuo, Daoheng Sun*. Single step fabrication of organic nanofibrous membrane for piezoelectric vibration sensor [C]. Actuators and Microsystems Conference (TRANSDUCERS), 2011 16th International Conference: 2782-2785.
[20] Daoheng Sun*, Chieh Chang, Sha Li, and Liwei Lin*,Near-Field Electrospinning, Nano Letters,Department of Mechanical Engineering and Berkeley Sensor and Actuator Center,Received February 6, 2006; Revised Manuscript Received March 9, 2006


[1] 孙道恒,邱小椿,吴德志,何广奇,陈燕君,黄少华, 一种聚合物太阳能电池陷光结构制造方法,2016.06.01,中国,ZL201310354929X.
[2] 孙道恒,占瞻,何杰,杜晓辉,虞凌科,李益盼,王凌云,一种基于硅/玻璃阳极键合的微器件可动结构制备方法,2016.04.06,中国,ZL2013101122001.
[3] 孙道恒,何杰,吴德志,占瞻,杜晓辉,王凌云,周如海,王小萍, 一种水平阵列碳纳米管的制备方法,2016.03.09,中国,ZL2013101972044.
[4] 孙道恒,刘海燕,庄明凤,王伟,黄伟伟,林奕宏,何广奇,王翔,郑高峰,一种聚合物太阳能电池活性层的制备方法, 2015.05.27, 中国, ZL2013101357789.
[5] 孙道恒,王翔,郑高峰,刘海燕,林奕宏,何广奇,卫谨,一种真空电纺装置,2015.05.13,中国,ZL2012105643037.
[6] 孙道恒,杜晓辉,占瞻,何杰,周如海,蔡建法,王凌云,一种具有高深宽比梳齿间隙硅微惯性器件的制备方法,2015.04.08,中国,ZL2013100850872.
[7] 孙道恒,杜晓辉,王凌云,蔡建法,王小萍,一种利用静电负刚度的压力传感器及其制作方法,2015.04.01,中国,ZL2013101061703.
[8] 孙道恒,林奕宏,何广奇,刘海燕,卫瑾,陈松平,郑高峰,郑建毅,一种带环形电极电液动力耦合自适应喷头,2015.04.01,中国,ZL2013101565137.
[9] 孙道恒,何广奇,王翔,林奕宏,邱小椿,杜晓辉,徐兵,郑高峰,一种具有加热功能的电纺纳米纤维膜制备装置,2014.11.26,中国,ZL2012104444430.
[10] 孙道恒,王翔,郑高峰,李文望,徐磊,陶巍,王晗,连续工作可控静电喷射装置,2012.08.22,中国,ZL2011101115615.

